The Thing Makers

A work in progress…. Below, you’ll find updated contributor’s notes (and pertinent links) on the authors presently (or soon-to-be) featured on the website.

Jessica Afshar’s writing has been published in several literary magazines including Route 2, OVS, Third Wednesday, Poetry Quarterly and Clare Literary Journal. She holds an MA in English from Fitchburg State University and lives with her two children in northern Massachusetts.

Jamey Bradbury is an SIUE alum who lives and writes in Anchorage, Alaska.  Her work has appeared in Black Warrior Review and Zone 3.

Tara Bray is the author of Mistaken for Song (Persea Books, 2009). Her most recent poems have appeared in journals including PoetryColorado Review, Iron Horse Literary ReviewThe Southern Review, and Cincinatti Review.

Gabrielle Calvocoressi is the author of Apocalyptic Swing (Persea, 2009). Her numerous awards and fellowships include a Stegner Fellowship and a Rona Jaffe Writers’ Award. Her first collection, The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart (Persea, 2005), won the Connecticut Book Award. She also writes the Sports Desk column for The Best American Poetry blog and is the Virtual Editor for Broadsided Press. She tweets @broadsidedpress. She is on the advisory board of The Rumpus’ Poetry Book Club. She lives in Los Angeles.

Oliver de la Paz is the author of three books of poetry: Names Above Houses, Furious Lullaby, and Requiem for the Orchard. He co-edited the anthology A Face to Meet the Faces: An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry with Stacey Lynn Brown, and serves as the co-chair of the Kundiman advisory board. He teaches at Western Washington University.

Lauren Foss Goodman is the author of A Heart Beating Hard, one of the flagship books of 21st Century Prose, a new fiction imprint from the University of Michigan Press.  She was the 2009 winner of Boulevard’s Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers, and was the recipient of a 2011 AWP Intro Fiction Award.  Her short fiction can be found in Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Collagist, Boulevard,  PANK, The Massachusetts Review, and elsewhere.  Lauren lives in Western Massachusetts and holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from the Program for Poets & Writers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  Visit her website.

Dustin M. Hoffman spent ten years painting houses in Michigan before getting his MFA from Bowling Green State University and his PhD from Western Michigan University. His stories have appeared in numerous journals, including Black Warrior ReviewPhoebe, and Witness.

Rachel Kubie is a public reference librarian in Charlotte, North Carolina. She attended the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins. Her work has appeared in Drunken Boat, Literal Latte, Oyster Boy Review, Rattapallax, RHINO, Mudlark, and Potomac Review. She took part in the Tupelo Press 30/30 project online. She was also one of 934 arrestees who engaged in civil disobedience at the legislative building in Raleigh, NC in Summer 2013.

Joseph Levens has appeared in Sou’wester numerous times, and his unpublished short story collection, which contains many pieces first appearing in this magazine, was a finalist in the 2010 Bakeless Prize for fiction. He is editor of The Summerset Review and lives in Smithtown, New York.

Lisa Locascio’s fiction has recently appeared in n+1Tin House Flash FridaysBluestemand Joyland Los AngelesIn June 2014, her interview with the late Chilean author Roberto Bolaño’s widow Carolina López, the first López has granted an Anglophone journalist, appeared in The Believer. While a writer-in-residence at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program this past spring, she completed a draft of her novel, Jutland Gothic, which follows the sexual coming-of-age of a young American woman who finds herself unexpectedly in rural northern Denmark in the months following the Muhammed Drawings Crisis; an excerpt of the novel has been published in The Nervous Breakdown. Lisa is currently in the process of completing Shut Down, the short story collection containing “Hundred Mile House,” as well as her critical dissertation, “A Bag of Shocking Pink: Occult Imagery in Contemporary American Fiction by Women” in the University of Southern California’s Department of Creative Writing and Literature, where she is a PhD candidate. She will be hold the Daehler Visiting Lectureship in Creative Writing at Colorado College in Spring 2015 and teach the short fiction seminar at the 2015 Mendocino Coast Writers Conference.

Shena McAuliffe recently completed her PhD in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Utah and is currently the RP Dana Emerging Writer at Cornell College. Her stories and essays have been published in Conjunctions, Black Warrior Review, The Collagist, and elsewhere. She is at work on a novel.

Kyle Minor is the author of In the Devil’s Territory, a collection of stories and novellas, and a frequent contributor to Sou’wester. Recent stories and essays appear in The Southern Review, Gulf Coast, Ninth Letter, The Gettysburg Review, Arts & Letters, and Best American Mystery Stories. He’s at work on a novel titled The Sexual Lives of Missionaries.

Lee Sharkey is the author, most recently, of Calendars of Fire (forthcoming, Tupelo Press) and A Darker, Sweeter String (Off the Grid Press). Her poems have appeared in Drunken Boat, Field, Nimrod, Prairie Schooner, The Seattle Review, and other journals. She is the co-editor of the Beloit Poetry Journal.

Anthony Varallo is the author of two story collections, Out Loud and This Day in History. He has received an NEA Fellowship in Literature, and his stories have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, New England Review, Epoch, American Short Fiction, and elsewhere.

Kellie Wells is the author of a collection of short fiction, Compression Scars, winner of the Flannery O’Connor Award, and a novel, Skin. She teaches in the Program in Creative Writing at the University of Alabama and in the low-residency MFA program at Pacific University.